I have a PASSION for selling high ticket systems because I have over 25 years as a Digital Marketing Agency owner selling my own systems with prices ranging from $1.5K - $30K. Now, I’m ready to sell your high-ticket systems to help your business grow.
PROFIT3X: multiple retainer contracts to Medical Professionals: $30K/ANNUAL ZINGem: multiple Multimedia eCARD System to corporations for $5K (Investment capital secured by Jim: $250K) AVPOSTCARDS: multiple video email system to corporations: $5K DEVPROMO: multiple comprehensive marketing system for real estate developers: $30K ACCENTURE: entire website restructure to Frost Bank: $100K
BBA - FINANCE: Stephen F. Austin State University FAA Multi-Engine Pilot’s License
Owning my own agency for 25 years has allowed me to truly understand “high-ticket closing” - for each of my agency’s ‘high-ticket offerings’ was sold by me.
One of the BIGGEST obstacles to closing deals is handling (and reversing) OBJECTIONS. I have several strategies I deploy (especially w/pricing) on your behalf…
Over 70% of my agency clients have been “B2B” - companies selling services to other companies. I understand their challenges as owner of my own business.
Acknowledging that most sales are made remotely, understand that my skill set & experience ALSO extend to making sales in public venues as well.
Even if your sales scripts are PERFECT, it’s good to know that I can ‘write sales copy’ as I speak to the prospect… articulating value quickly is one of my gifts.
If “a picture is worth a 1,000 words”, great visuals can sometimes make a big difference. This talent is a great companion to great copywriting in a high-ticket closer!
Remember: EVERY high-ticket service sold by my agency in the past 25 years was negotiated and sold by me. I look forward to hearing a “NO” - so I can really get STARTED!
Many high-ticket closers work out of a lame home-office (or worse - bedroom). My studio is elegant and in a professional office building to extend your ‘prestige’.
I am ready, willing and able to work at all hours if the situation calls for it. When the prospect fails to show - I get them ‘re-booked’ around their schedule - not mine.
Since my youth, I have ALWAYS been a hard-worker. Now, I absolutely ENJOY what I do so it’s not ‘work’ to me at all. I will ABSOLUTELY out-work the next person. Period.
I have a PASSION for selling high ticket systems because I have over 25 years as a Digital Marketing Agency owner selling my own systems with prices ranging from $1.5K - $30K. Now, I’m ready to sell your high- ticket systems to help your business grow.
BBA - FINANCE: Stephen F. Austin State University FAA Multi-Engine Pilot’s License
PROFIT3X: multiple retainer contracts to Medical Professionals: $30K/ANNUAL ZINGem: multiple Multimedia eCARD System to corporations for $5K (Investment capital secured by Jim: $250K) AVPOSTCARDS: multiple video email system to corporations: $5K DEVPROMO: multiple comprehensive marketing system for real estate developers: $30K ACCENTURE: entire website restructure to Frost Bank: $100K
Owning my own agency for 25 years has allowed me to truly understand “high-ticket closing” - for each of my agency’s ‘high-ticket offerings’ was sold by me.
Over 70% of my agency clients have been “B2B” - companies selling services to other companies. I understand their challenges as owner of my own business.
Acknowledging that most sales are made remotely, understand that my skill set & experience ALSO extend to making sales in public venues as well.
Even if your sales scripts are PERFECT, it’s good to know that I can ‘write sales copy’ as I speak to the prospect… articulating value quickly is one of my gifts.
Remember: EVERY high-ticket service sold by my agency in the past 25 years was negotiated and sold by me. I look forward to hearing a “NO” - so I can really get STARTED!
Many high-ticket closers work out of a lame home-office (or worse - bedroom). My studio is elegant and in a professional office building to extend your ‘prestige’.
I am ready, willing and able to work at all hours if the situation calls for it. When the prospect fails to show - I get them ‘re-booked’ around their schedule - not mine.
Since my youth, I have ALWAYS been a hard- worker. Now, I absolutely ENJOY what I do so it’s not ‘work’ to me at all. I will ABSOLUTELY out- work the next person. Period.
One of the BIGGEST obstacles to closing deals is handling (and reversing) OBJECTIONS. I have several strategies I deploy (especially w/pricing) on your behalf…
If “a picture is worth a 1,000 words”, great visuals can sometimes make a big difference. This talent is a great companion to great copywriting in a high-ticket closer!